Did you know that 50-90% of all sales encounters end without any commitment being asked for?
It varies a bit by industry but 50% is the low number.
Why is that?
It basically boils down to just two reasons: Will & Skill. Will, is having the desire and being comfortable asking. And skill is knowing how to ask.
Which of these two do you think is the most common reason that people don't ask for commitment?
Both of these are big factors, but between the two, not having the will or courage to ask is the bigger challenge.
Now, the good news is, I'm going to help you with both these things right now.
A massive contributor to this mind-boggling statistic is the fact that 99% of the closing techniques being taught today are manipulative.
They are. And they all have names.
There's: The Alternate Choice Close, or The Yes-Set, or The Impending Event Close, or even the "What Would Jesus Do Atomic Bomb Close." (and no, I'm not kidding, that's a real close)
There's a million of these closing gambits and they're all manipulative.
You want to know why 50-90% of all sales encounters end without any commitment being asked for whatsoever? It's not because people are afraid to ask.
It's because every one of these techniques damages trust. And we don't want to damage our relationship.
What we want is genuine, long-lasting relationships that last for a lifetime. Don't we?
The reason people don’t ask for commitments is because we instinctively know that all these sneaky gambits damage trust. So rather than use a manipulative technique that damages trust, they just don't do anything.
At least that's what I used to do...
Gong.io is a call analytics company that specializes in analyzing outbound sales calls. They analyzed over 1 million sales calls looking for the answer to this question:
What is the best closing approach there is?
And after analyzing over a million sales calls they determined that The Perfect Close is hands-down the best closing approach. Bar none. And, that top performers use it an average of three times per hour.
Per hour! Which should suggest to you that it doesn't get old the more you use it.
Many sales professionals and entrepreneurs get nervous when we start talking about closing because their worried that they'll have to change who they are or become something they're not in order to close business.
So let me assure you that with The Perfect Close that is absolutely not the case.
There are no gimmicks. There is no manipulation.
It is 100% genuine and 100% authentic and will be 100% in alignment with your personal values. I guarantee it.
In fact, not only will it make you more successful, you'll also find more joy and satisfaction in your day-to-day selling.
And that's a great place to be.
I believe that you've been called to change lives with the products and services you sell.
Every solution we sell, helps someone achieve a goal, fulfill a dream or avert a crisis.
Every solution, regardless of how large or small it might be, helps a real person move from where they are to where they want to be.
And our job as professionals is to help them achieve that goal by facilitating each little commitment it takes for them to get there.
So it's about much more than just advancing the sale - it's about leadership.
It's about being a coach and facilitator.
That's how you change the lives of your customers.
And, that's how you grow your own business and income.
After I made my accidental discovery, of The Perfect Close, I spent the next two years of my life geeking out on the topic and trying to understand why it works from psychology perspective.
And I eventually wrote The Perfect Close, which is the playbook for authentically advancing every opportunity to closure.
And today, I want to give you a free copy.
I'm doing it because there are still too many sales professionals and entrepreneurs struggling (like I was) because they don't know way to close business that doesn't make them feel slimy.
Direct Sales
Financial Services
Human Resources
IT Software & Services / Saas
Marketing & Advertising
Real Estate
And Many More...!
Inside The Perfect Close I will be sharing with you 35 secrets to help you close more sales.
Here's a sneak peak at what you'll discover inside your free copy of this new book:
Secret #1: New science and what we now know about selling that changes everything about closing for the better.
Secret #2: Exactly why most closing techniques are counter-productive and will actually hurt your chances of closing. Why closing is more effective when it isn't high-pressure or manipulative. Why the common misconception of what closing is will cause you to lose sales and joy you'll feel when you discover what closing really is.
Secret #3: The 7 Deadly Myths of Closing and the science that proves them wrong. Why past the first attempt, there is a negative correlation between the number of times a salesperson asks for a close and sales success. Why traditional closing techniques damage trust and will cause you to perform 21% worse. How manipulative techniques that sometime work on small sales drastically backfire on large sales. Why clients are less happy when making purchase decisions under pressure and what to do instead. And more!
Secret #4: How the data shows that you do have to make an effort to close the sale. The sales will not close itself. And that by asking for commitment in the right way you can move the sale forward without being pushy.
Secret #5: Why the best approach actually must be easy in order to be successful.
Secret #6: Why 50-90% of all sales encounters end without any commitment being asked for, and the key to asking for commitments that will get your success into the 90-95% range.
Secret #7: How science has advanced our understanding of sales and why it's critical that you understand the difference between an Advance, a Close and a Continuation. Also the two reasons from behavioral science that explain why the practice of getting Advances is so effective.
Secret #8: The little-known secret of the #1 biggest factor that determines sales call success that is 2-4 times more important than any other factor. Also how to leverage that factor to every sales encounter inherently valuable and have your customers profoundly grateful you met.
Secret #9: How Extrapolation Bias is either helping you or killing you in your sales encounters and why it is at the very root of why salespeople lose to inferior solutions.
Secret #10: Why how you sell is a sample of how you solve. How clients have redefined value and what they *really* want from their sales experience with you. The crucial difference between Data, Information and Insight and what your clients want most. And the one thing you can do in each sales encounter (as proven by science) that will literally cause customers to want to pay a premium for your solution.
"The Perfect Close will give you the clarity, confidence and competence to make every sale natural. This book is one of my all-time favorites. Every seller will benefit by reading The Perfect Close." - Deb Calvert President of People First Productivity Solutions and author of DISCOVER Questions Get You Connected
"In my book, The Only Sales Guide You'll Ever Need, I said that there were no books on closing that I could recommend. At all. I changed my mind. You should read The Perfect Close right now." - Anthony Iannarino Author of The Only Sales Guide You'll Ever Need & The Sales Blog
"I have read literally hundreds of sales books and I would put this one in my top ten. The Perfect Close will give you excellent ideas and tools to dramatically increase your sales effectiveness, I very highly recommend you read it." - John Spence, One of the top 100 Business Thought Leaders in America & author of Awesomely Simple: Essential Business Strategies for Turning Ideas Into Action
"The closing technique is so simple and effective, it's ridiculous and can be learned and deployed immediately. I burst out laughing every time I put the phone down after using this and I think you will too. It's so clever!" - Nigel Heaton
"This sales approach is very different from everything else I have ever learned about sales and closing. I always went into sales meetings with a good measure of trepidation. Now I'm excited and empowered. I highly recommend this course to any aspiring sales professional!" - Jared Felker
"Simple yet brilliant. In my business one sale can be worth thousands in revenue for my company, so I can't afford to miss out on deals. What I like most about it is I don't have to change my friendly personality and be something I'm not. I implemented some of these sales gems my next day back at work. It's very easy to put into action!" - Andre Little
"The Perfect Close approach is hand-down the best practice for advancing and closing sales today. Easy to read. Easy to understand. And easy to implement. Recommended for all professionals everywhere." - Robert Terson, author of Selling Fearlessly: A Master Salesman's Secrets For The One-Call-Close Salesperson
"James is a first-hand sales leader in the field everyday making it happen. This book allows us to benefit from his knowledge and most important of all it helps us with the piece many people struggle with, closing the sale. If you can't close a sale then everything else you've done up to that point is wasted." - Mark Hunter, international speaker and author of High-Profit Prospecting & High-Profit Selling
"The closing method that James describes is deceptively simple. I have been using the method almost daily since finishing the book and it has been powerful for me. Understanding the difference between rejecting an action vs. rejecting the TIMING of an action has upped my sales game significantly!"
- Matt Smith
"A cracking read even after 20 years in sales. Simple ground breaking advice that cuts through the dross of sales!"
- Sarah Rositer
"It's helped me close more sales. Is it what it says it is."
- Albert Boateng
"I love everything about this book. It's methodical without bei1 Columnng boring. It utilizes psychology and science without getting too complicated. And I haven't even gotten to 'the perfect close' which delivers on its promise. The Perfect Close should be on the bookshelf of every sales professional and sales manager. I cannot recommend this book enough to anyone who wants to close more business." - Andrea Waltz, Co-Author, Go for No! Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There
"The Perfect Close is elegant in its simplicity, and yet can be applied to any sales situation, both directly and rapidly. The system can be implemented in any sales process within hours of learning, and improves with dedicated practice and daily implementation."
- Michael Guest
"The Perfect Close is perfect for salespeople who want to learn a simple and effective approach to advancing the sale through each stage of the sales process and ultimately close the deal. James Muir's method is collaborative rather than manipulative (no cheesy tricks or "techniques"), easy to learn and apply, and natural and stress free (for the seller and the buyer). Highly recommended!" - Don Mulhern
"Can Be Used Immediately"
"What's amazing about this book, is that it can used adapted, and implemented right away by anyone at any level of their sales ability and experience. James Muir, lays out a very easy to follow map of the process from beginning to end. The approach is brilliant in its simplicity, which makes it easy to follow. I really love the questions to ask yourself before the call, the explanation of how to give or add value, and the difference between a continuation and an advance. - Peter Morrell
Countless People Around The World...
When you get your copy of The Perfect Close, I’m going to give you a 45 minute keynote address video that you can start watching now, while you wait for your book to arrive.
I call it The Perfect Close Crash Course and it will:
Copy Of The Perfect Close Today!
When you get your copy of The Perfect Close, not only will you receive the 45 minute keynote address that you can start watching now while you wait for your book to arrive, you'll also receive the full presentation slide manual I used for the keynote!
So, literally, with these two bonuses you can get yourself up and running in less than an hour while you're waiting for your book to arrive!
Attendees had to snap pictures with their cell phones to get just a portion of these slides and you'll have them all at your fingertips as you watch the video!
Copy Of The Perfect Close Today!
Like I mentioned before, this book is free. All I ask is that you help me cover the printing and postage costs of $9.95 US!
Oh, and in case you're wondering...
I know there are some websites out there that offer you something cool for free, but then stick you into some program that charges your card every month.
This isn't one of them.
There's NO hidden "continuity program" - and in case you're wondering why I'm doing this...
Well, there are actually a couple of reasons...
Here's why...
We've only printed a few thousands copies of this book, and when they're gone... well, they're gone!
If this page is still here, then the offer is live. But I reserve the right to pull it down at any time.
I 100% guarantee that you'll love this book, or I'll return your $9.95 shipping and let you keep the book anyway.
That's right. You don't even have to send anything back. Just email me or call the number on your receipt and I'll give you back your money with no questions asked. (And by the way I have that same guarantee on Amazon, and I've never had to refund a book)
Sound fair?
When You Order 'The Perfect Close' Today!
Copy of The Perfect Close - The Secret to Closing Sales
($24.95 Value)
The Perfect Close Crash Course 45 Minute Keynote Video
($995.00 Value)
The Perfect Close Crash Course Slide Manual
($99.00 Value)
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I hope you enjoy the book!
James Muir
P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skips to the end of the letter, here's the deal:
I'm mailing you a 180-page book, "The Perfect Close - The Secret to Closing Sales" (that retails at $18.95) for FREE. Yes, this book is free, and all you pay is $9.95 US.
There's no catch... no gimmicks... You will NOT be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that.
If fact, if you don't love the book - I'll even refund your shipping costs (and you don't have to ship the book back).
So, Click the button below to get your FREE copy now. You won't regret it.